Jag rekommenderar artikeln i Times, den tar bland annat upp orsaker till att naturiströrelsen (i USA) växer för tillfället
Why the growth? One reason may be that at a time of crushing global uncertainty, nudism thrusts its devotees back to basics. In surveys, the No. 1 reason nudists offer for going around without clothes is relaxation: as confining garments fall away, so do the worldly responsibilities that they signify. Many nudists — especially women — also argue that the nudist subculture prizes body acceptance, meaning they don't have to stop eating carbs or fat; there is little Botox here.
Den fortsätter även med att ta upp en icke-verifierad undersökning, i ärlighetens namn publicerad i en nudistpublikation, som visar på bättre kropps-acceptans hos barn som växer upp med ett naturligt förhållningssätt till nakenhet.
In 1986 a nudist press published the results of a five-year study of children raised by nudists. Growing Up Without Shame concluded, rather expansively, that "the viewing of the unclothed human body, far from being destructive to the psyche, seems to be either benign or to actually provide benefits"--typically indifference to such inevitabilities as puberty, sags and wrinkles. Dr. David Fassler, a fellow of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, says such claims haven't been validated by independent psychiatric researchers. But a visit to the camp yielded anecdotal support. An 11-year-old girl described — in disarming detail — how she was prepared for her breasts to grow and menstruation to begin. At another point, a group of adolescents listened to a 62-year-old explain why she'd undergone breast reduction. There were no giggles — in fact, most of the kids seemed bored. Nudists believe such frank talk frees their kids from the body-image worries that rack teenage girls and, increasingly, boys. "America's young people, as early as 9 or 10, their goal is to look like Britney Spears," says A.A.N.R. president Pat Brown. "We need to learn body acceptance."
Men lyssnar man på det "Gordon" säger så låter han nästan lite sådär lill-gammal som det kan låta om man blivit indoktrinerad sen barnsben. Fast jag hoppas det är hans egna tankar och inte föräldrarnas.
A typical observation came from Gordon, the 16-year-old: "With girls on the outside, you get to know the clothes, not the person. If I am looking for a girlfriend, being a nudist is actually better"--better from a moral standpoint, he clarifies--"because I think [nudism] is less sexual than trying to get attention with certain outfits."
Jag hoppas också att det här är sant, att barnen som får den här sortens uppfostran har lättare att berätta när nåt gått fel, att det är tydligt att det inte är barnets fel.
The 11-year-old camper who was so frank about her incipient puberty also said that a visitor to the Lake Como resort twice touched her leg in the pool. (Camp wasn't in session; the girl had been visiting a relative who lives at Lake Como full time.) The man was thrown out. Says the girl's mother: "Kids here are taught to talk about it. They immediately tell."
För visst händer det väl saker inom naturist/nudistkretsar, men som sagt, det gör det även i kyrkokören och jag har en känsla av att de barnen kan ha svårare att ta upp det med nån vuxen.
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